Friday, February 13, 2009

Kitchen Islands and Trends

Thought I'd share some information with you all as to the trends that I've been seeing in the kitchen island arena.

It's been great to see a minimalist approach to things and inquiry about the source of hardwoods that we use. The answer to that is renewal hardwoods grown right here in North America of course. Also I would have thought that the higher end islands would see a trend downwards but just the opposite has happend. This I believe is due to the reasoning that it makes more sense to buy a substantial, well made island than basically throwing monies away on products that will not weather the test of time.

Here' are my best sellers:

John Boos Kitchen Island Bar

John Boos Country Island Work Table

John Boos Classic Country Work Table

John Boos Cherry Grazzi Table

The Chop Master

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