Friday, February 13, 2009

Oil or Varnique Finish

So just a quick note to mention that it's important to take a close look at the default finishes we offer on our kitchen island tops. In all of our descriptions I make sure we note what the default top finish is - either a 'varnique' or an 'oil or bees wax' finish.

Here's your quick guide: 'varnique' is a sealed finish that is FDA approved and basically is very much like a laquer finish but designed for food preparation. An oil finish is just meant to treat the wood surface to maintain the moisture content and preserve durability.

So which one do you want? If your kitchen island or table is going to be a working surface for baking and such, go for the oil. Otherwise varnique is your best bet.

Here's a look of what the two look like:

Varnique finish

Oil finish

The Chop Master

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